OA susceptibility in mice is partially mediated by the gut microbiome, is transferrable via microbiome transplantation and is associated with immunophenotype changesEmmaline Prinz, Leoni Schlupp, Gabby Dyson, Montana Barrett, Aleksander Szymczak, Cassandra Velasco, Vladislav Izda, Christopher M Dunn, Matlock A Jeffries
18 November 2023
Unveiling inflammatory and prehypertrophic cell populations as key contributors to knee cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis using multi-omics data integrationYue Fan, Xuzhao Bian, Xiaogao Meng, Lei Li, Laiyi Fu, Yanan Zhang, Long Wang, Yan Zhang, Dalong Gao, Xiong Guo, Mikko Juhani Lammi, Guangdun Peng, Shiquan Sun
7 February 2024
Erosive hand osteoarthritis and sarcopenia: data from Osteoarthritis Initiative cohortKamyar Moradi, Robert M Kwee, Bahram Mohajer, Ali Guermazi, Frank W Roemer, Hamza Ahmed Ibad, Ida K Haugen, Francis Berenbaum, Shadpour Demehri
19 January 2024
Evaluating the causal effect of circulating proteome on the risk of osteoarthritis-related traitsYan Zhang, Jingyu Xie, Simin Wen, Peihua Cao, Wende Xiao, Jianwei Zhu, Shengfa Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Han Cen, Zhaohua Zhu, Changhai Ding, Guangfeng Ruan
18 August 2023
Cartilage-specific Sirt6 deficiency represses IGF-1 and enhances osteoarthritis severity in miceJohn A Collins, C James Kim, Ashley Coleman, Abreah Little, Matheus M Perez, Emily J Clarke, Brian Diekman, Mandy J Peffers, Susanna Chubinskaya, Ryan E Tomlinson, Theresa A Freeman, Richard F Loeser
7 August 2023
Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists as a disease-modifying therapy for knee osteoarthritis mediated by weight loss: findings from the Shanghai Osteoarthritis CohortHongyi Zhu, Lenian Zhou, Qiuke Wang, Qianying Cai, Fan Yang, Hanqiang Jin, Yiwei Chen, Yanyan Song, Changqing Zhang
31 May 2023
A meta-analysis and a functional study support the influence of mtDNA variant m.16519C on the risk of rapid progression of knee osteoarthritisAlejandro Durán-Sotuela, Mercedes Fernandez-Moreno, Victoria Suárez-Ulloa, Jorge Vázquez-García, Sara Relaño, Tamara Hermida-Gómez, Vanesa Balboa-Barreiro, Lucia Lourido-Salas, Valentina Calamia, Patricia Fernandez-Puente, Cristina Ruiz-Romero, Juan Fernández-Tajes, Carlos Vaamonde-García, María C de Andrés, Natividad OreiroSee the full list of authors
6 April 2023
Inhibition of KDM7A/B histone demethylases restores H3K79 methylation and protects against osteoarthritisReem Assi, Chahrazad Cherifi, Frederique M.F. Cornelis, Qiongfei Zhou, Lies Storms, Sofia Pazmino, Rodrigo Coutinho de Almeida, Ingrid Meulenbelt, Rik J. Lories, Silvia Monteagudo
16 March 2023
Meta-analysis of erosive hand osteoarthritis identifies four common variants that associate with relatively large effectUnnur Styrkarsdottir, Lilja Stefansdottir, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Olafur A Stefansson, Saedis Saevarsdottir, Sigrun H Lund, Thorunn Rafnar, Kazuyuki Hoshijima, Kendra Novak, Natividad Oreiro, Ignacio Rego-Perez, Channing Hansen, Nikolas Kazmers, Lambertus A Kiemeney, Francisco J BlancoSee the full list of authors
17 March 2023
Human-specific duplicate CHRFAM7A gene is associated with more severe osteoarthritis and amplifies pain behavioursAlice Courties, Merissa Olmer, Kevin Myers, Phillip Ordoukhanian, Steven R Head, Padmaja Natarajan, Francis Berenbaum, Jérémie Sellam, Martin K Lotz
10 January 2023