GO-DACT: a phase 3b randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of GOlimumab plus methotrexate (MTX) versus placebo plus MTX in improving DACTylitis in MTX-naive patients with psoriatic arthritisElsa Vieira-Sousa, Pedro Alves, Ana M Rodrigues, Filipa Teixeira, Jose Tavares-Costa, Alexandra Bernardo, Sofia Pimenta, Fernando M Pimentel-Santos, João Lagoas Gomes, Renata Aguiar, Patrícia Pinto, Taciana Videira, Cristina Catita, Helena Santos, Joana BorgesSee the full list of authors
19 March 2020
Differences in the serum metabolome and lipidome identify potential biomarkers for seronegative rheumatoid arthritis versus psoriatic arthritisMargarida Souto-Carneiro, Lilla Tóth, Rouven Behnisch, Konstantin Urbach, Karel D Klika, Rui A Carvalho, Hanns-Martin Lorenz
20 February 2020
A head-to-head comparison of the efficacy and safety of ixekizumab and adalimumab in biological-naïve patients with active psoriatic arthritis: 24-week results of a randomised, open-label, blinded-assessor trialPhilip J Mease, Josef S Smolen, Frank Behrens, Peter Nash, Soyi Liu Leage, Lingnan Li, Hasan Tahir, Melinda Gooderham, Eswar Krishnan, Hong Liu-Seifert, Paul Emery, Sreekumar G Pillai, Philip S Helliwell,
28 September 2019
Incidence and time trends of joint surgery in patients with psoriatic arthritis: a register-based time series and cohort study from DenmarkJørgen Guldberg-Møller, Rene Lindholm Cordtz, Lars Erik Kristensen, Lene Dreyer
12 July 2019
The contribution of joint and skin improvements to the health-related quality of life of patients with psoriatic arthritis: a post hoc analysis of two randomised controlled studiesArthur Kavanaugh, Alice Gottlieb, Akimichi Morita, Joseph F Merola, Chen-Yen Lin, Julie Birt, Catherine L Shuler, Matthew M Hufford, Diamant Thaçi
21 May 2019
Serum-based soluble markers differentiate psoriatic arthritis from osteoarthritisVinod Chandran, Fatima Abji, Anthony V Perruccio, Rajiv Gandhi, Suzanne Li, Richard J Cook, Dafna D Gladman
25 March 2019
Achieving remission in psoriatic arthritis by early initiation of TNF inhibition: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of golimumab plus methotrexate versus placebo plus methotrexateLeonieke J J van Mens, Henriëtte M de Jong, Inka Fluri, Michael T Nurmohamed, Marleen G H van de Sande, Marc Kok, Arno W R van Kuijk, Dominique Baeten
26 February 2019