Distinct stromal and immune cell interactions shape the pathogenesis of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritisAchilleas Floudas, Conor M Smith, Orla Tynan, Nuno Neto, Vinod Krishna, Sarah M Wade, Megan Hanlon, Clare Cunningham, Viviana Marzaioli, Mary Canavan, Jean M Fletcher, Ronan H Mullan, Suzanne Cole, Ling-Yang Hao, Michael G MonaghanSee the full list of authors
14 June 2022
Interferon-α-mediated therapeutic resistance in early rheumatoid arthritis implicates epigenetic reprogrammingFaye A H Cooles, Jessica Tarn, Dennis W Lendrem, Najib Naamane, Chung MA Lin, Ben Millar, Nicola J Maney, Amy E Anderson, Nishanthi Thalayasingam, Julie Diboll, Vincent Bondet, Darragh Duffy, Michael R Barnes, Graham R Smith, Sandra NgSee the full list of authors
9 June 2022
Deletion of activin A in mesenchymal but not myeloid cells ameliorates disease severity in experimental arthritisVanessa Waltereit-Kracke, Corinna Wehmeyer, Denise Beckmann, Eugenie Werbenko, Julia Reinhardt, Fabienne Geers, Mike Dienstbier, Michelle Fennen, Johanna Intemann, Peter Paruzel, Adelheid Korb-Pap, Thomas Pap, Berno Dankbar
13 April 2022
Isolation of HLA-DR-naturally presented peptides identifies T-cell epitopes for rheumatoid arthritisJaxaira Maggi, Montserrat Carrascal, Lilian Soto, Oscar Neira, María C Cuéllar, Octavio Aravena, Eddie A James, Joaquin Abian, Dolores Jaraquemada, Diego Catalan, Juan C Aguillón
22 April 2022
Safety and efficacy of the miR-124 upregulator ABX464 (obefazimod, 50 and 100 mg per day) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate and/or anti-TNFα therapy: a placebo-controlled phase II studyClaire Daien, Marek Krogulec, Paul Gineste, Jean-Marc Steens, Laurence Desroys du Roure, Sophie Biguenet, Didier Scherrer, Julien Santo, Hartmut Ehrlich, Patrick Durez
31 May 2022
Epithelial HIF2α expression induces intestinal barrier dysfunction and exacerbation of arthritisJinming Wen, Pang Lyu, Iris Stolzer, Jin Xu, Andreas Gießl, Zhen Lin, Darja Andreev, Katerina Kachler, Rui Song, Xianyi Meng, Shan Cao, Giuliana Guggino, Francesco Ciccia, Claudia Günther, Georg SchettSee the full list of authors
16 June 2022
Multiomics analysis of rheumatoid arthritis yields sequence variants that have large effects on risk of the seropositive subsetSaedis Saevarsdottir, Lilja Stefansdottir, Patrick Sulem, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Egil Ferkingstad, Gudrun Rutsdottir, Bente Glintborg, Helga Westerlind, Gerdur Grondal, Isabella C Loft, Signe Bek Sorensen, Benedicte A Lie, Mikael Brink, Lisbeth Ärlestig, Asgeir Orn ArnthorssonSee the full list of authors
25 April 2022
Low dose, add-on prednisolone in patients with rheumatoid arthritis aged 65+: the pragmatic randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled GLORIA trialMaarten Boers, Linda Hartman, Daniela Opris-Belinski, Reinhard Bos, Marc R Kok, Jose AP Da Silva, Eduard N Griep, Ruth Klaasen, Cornelia F Allaart, Paul Baudoin, Hennie G Raterman, Zoltan Szekanecz, Frank Buttgereit, Pavol Masaryk, L Thomas KlauschSee the full list of authors
31 May 2022
Short-term, intermediate-term and long-term risks of acute coronary syndrome in cohorts of patients with RA starting biologic DMARDs: results from four Nordic countriesBenedicte Delcoigne, Lotta Ljung, Sella A Provan, Bente Glintborg, Merete Lund Hetland, Kathrine Lederballe Grøn, Ritva Peltomaa, Heikki Relas, Carl Turesson, Bjorn Gudbjornsson, Brigitte Michelsen, Johan Askling
22 March 2022
Tofacitinib and risk of cardiovascular outcomes: results from the Safety of TofAcitinib in Routine care patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (STAR-RA) studyFarzin Khosrow-Khavar, Seoyoung C Kim, Hemin Lee, Su Been Lee, Rishi J Desai
13 January 2022